Rowan’s first PE tournament of the year!

At the end of every games PE unit, every class should take part in some some of competition specific to the learning that has taken place across the 6 week block.
Learning competition skills in PE is so very important; we work on winning and loosing well, team work, motivation, resilience, fair play and sports’person’ship. All skills our children will need in so many areas of their later lives and doing this in PE teaches us how to cope with these challenging concepts.
Our tournament used the medium of football this half term. We split into six teams and played a round robin tournament across two lessons so everyone played everyone else. At the end of each game, we all shook hands, did three cheers and chose a player of the match for the opposing team. Points were then awarded for each match; 1 for a loss, 2 for a draw and 3 for a win. Bonus and negative points were also given / subtracted to really emphasis the importance of the tournament values that we were working on.
The children did BRILLIANTLY! The level of skill through the football was great, but more importantly we worked hard on some really tricky life skills. No one wants to loose (Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Herbert are seriously competitive, we know the awful feeling of losing!) and it is such a skill to accept defeat graciously, collect yourself and your team and move forward with motivation. We were so proud of you Rowan, well done.
At the end of the tournament we had a winning and a runner up team, a teachers’ player of the tournament and the players’ player of the tournament chosen by the children. It was so gorgeous to see that 18 out of 30 children were put forward for this prestigious award of players’ player, just showing what high regard the children hold each other in.
You can see who achieved what in our collection of photos….
Roll on basketball next half term!