Project Polyglot

French and Spanish Lessons this week!
This week saw the return of Project Polyglot to William Ransom. Both year 5 classes had lessons. Willow Class learnt the names of lots of different foods, took part in role plays, played bingo and hangman with the new vocabulary. Rowan Class learnt how to describe a photograph using new vocabulary to describe a setting including the French for 'there is - il ya'. This lesson involved bingo, wordsearches, slap the board and lots of speaking. Both Year 6 classes had lessons on ordering food in a cafe.
This year, we were lucky enough to be offered one Spanish lesson too. Year 3, Elm Class, had their first introduction to Spanish and displayed some fabulous pronunciation, which was modelled by the girls from Hitchin Girls' School but also by one of our pupils who speaks Spanish at home. We will make sure that Maple Class are visited next term so that all year 3 children have the opportunity to take part.
It was so wonderful to see that so many of our former pupils have continued their journey with language learning at secondary school. There were former William Ransom girls in each of the groups and it was lovely to welcome them back and see their enthusiasm for languages.